Roaming around Glasgow
The sought after suburb of Glasgow isn’t the first place you would think to have a Roman bath in your backyard. In Bearsden, within a housing development, you’ll find the ruins of ancient Roman Glasgow The bathhouse is one of the remains of the Antonine Wall which is nearby. Maybe Roman soldiers heated up their cold bones with a session in the bathhouse after a shift patrolling the Antonine Wall?

Contrary to popular belief, the Romans made it as far as Glasgow passing Hadrians Wall and creating the Antonine Wall which ran from Bo’ness to Old Kilpatrick.
The unusual surroundings of these baths can be attributed to the construction of housing here when the railways opened. These houses were built on top of the Roman baths and when the time came to demolish the housing and create new housing in the 1970s, the Roman Baths were discovered and saved.

The Roman baths would have contained steam rooms, heated floors, toilets, and a cold-water pool. There is an information board on-site with information on each area of the site.
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Roman Bathhouse
8 Roman Court
G61 2HS
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